Culture & Belonging:
A quick guide to introducing your storytelling film campaign

The Change Starts Together storytelling film campaign aims to create more inclusive workplaces by highlighting socioeconomic diversity within organisations and the barriers some face in their careers related to their socioeconomic background.

We want to encourage businesses to support colleagues to tell their stories and film is a great way to do this. It may not always be possible to do this, so we also want to encourage employees to communicate in other ways, by writing a blog, contributing to a newsletter, speaking at an event, or creating a post for internal and external media sites.

Whatever form your Change Starts Together storytelling takes, there are some simple steps to follow that can make it a success. From planning to identifying your storytellers and helping them capture their experiences, through to getting their stories out there.

To coordinate your storytelling, set aside some time to develop a thorough plan that touches on the following points.


1. Plan your campaign:

  • Get senior level buy-in
  • Create a team
  • Determine your approach


2. Identify your storytellers:

  • Use your networks/ERGs
  • Promote on the intranet
  • Host an event


3. Define stories:

  • Define the campaign's purpose
  • Create a storyboard
  • Consider how to manage submissions
  • Decide how to shortlist storytellers


4. Capture stories:

  • Adhere to guidelines laid out in your approach
  • Decide filming/sharing methods
  • Check out our tips in the storytelling guide


5. Share stories:

  • Cpnsider hosting options (intranet, social media etc.)
  • Create a communication plan
  • Use blogs, newsletters & articles
  • Organise campaign events