20 July 2021 at 10:00am-11:30am

Leadership & Progression:
Performance not background

Whilst there has been great work to enable those from diverse socio-economic backgrounds to ‘get in’ there still seem to many barriers to them being able to ‘get on’ and progress their careers. Yet recent research by the City of London Corporation and the Bridge Group reported that it takes 25% longer for those from lower socio-economic backgrounds to progress in their careers. And those with other diversity characteristics can face multiple layers of inequality.

This seminar will explore ways to breakdown the barriers those from diverse socio-economic backgrounds face and ensure opportunity for all to progress their careers. This seminar features:

  • (Chair) Nik Miller, Chief Executive Officer, The Bridge Group
  • Rini Laskar, Director, UBS
  • Eddie Fletcher, Interim Head of Social Mobility, Ministry of Justice
  • Paula Kemp, Head of Employer's Programme, Social Mobility Commission